LinuxDays 2023

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Install an openSUSE MicroOS Desktop
08.10, 13:00–13:50 (Europe/Prague), 345
Jazyk: English

See how easy it can be to use Aeon (MicroOS Desktop for GNOME) or Kalpa, (MicroOS Desktop for Plasma).

This workshop will go over some basics of installing one of the MicroOS Desktops, either Aeon or Kalpa, and will show how easy it is to install and use applications and application of distributions as containers.

USBs will be provided with the latest MicroOS iso.



Douglas DeMaio manager and board member for the openSUSE Project and a trustee for the Geeko Foundation. He has more than 20 years of Public Relations, Marketing and Public Affairs experience. He helped manage and develop corporate communication tools for Siemens Healthcare, worked in sales and marketing for microdrones and has served as the spokesperson for several organizations throughout his career.