LinuxDays 2024

Vaše jazykové nastavení bylo uloženo. Česká lokalizace je stále ve vývoji, pokud narazíte na chyby, neváhejte nás kontaktovat!

Pavol Hejný

I'm Pavol, a developer passionate about new tools and technologies.

I specialize in creating fully functional user applications using the latest artificial intelligence models.

I am a member of the Ainautes consulting group, which supports the deployment of generative AI around the world.

Currently, I work on the Promptbook framework, which enables easy and smart abstraction and orchestration of large-language models (like ChatGPT).

Before the massive emergence of generative AI, I created the first Czech virtual whiteboard, Collboard, and electronic textbooks, H-edu, used by tens of thousands of children.

I have also worked on many scientific projects for the Czech Ornithological Society. I regularly give lectures at conferences, sit on juries, and act as a mentor in many Czech and international competitions. I have a special heart for this, and I love open source – you can find many of my projects on my GitHub or website.


50 min
Jak vyvíjet aplikace nad velkými jazykovými modely
Pavol Hejný

V mé přednášce se dozvíte, jakým výzvám budete čelit při tvorbě složitějších aplikací založených na velkých jazykových modelech.