LinuxDays 2024

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A (new) approach on maintaining the FLOSS multiverse as a business model
10-12, 14:30–14:50 (Europe/Prague), 107
Language: English

Developing and maintaining of Free Software needs funding, so the »one guy in Nebraska« at least can afford itself a coffee. Most of the projects are not visible to users and companies – even for those, who are actually building theire businesses on top of them. Others are just lagging an easy-to-user way to support their work. I think I've got a solution I'd like to share with you.

In my talk I want to introduce an (business-)idea of a system, that's allowing all kind of users to invest into Free Software and help to ensure healthy Free Software ecosystems – also for projects that are not as mainstream as LibreOffice, Gimp, Firefox – but everyone is counting on them as their dependencies.

I will put the focus of this talk slightly onto developers and projects and how the idea could help.



Long time Free Software enthusiast and working in IT.