LinuxDays 2024

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Linux Driver Workshop
10-13, 13:00–14:50 (Europe/Prague), 344
Language: English

This workshop offers an insight into the programming of drivers under Linux. We will work our way from a Hello World kernel module to our own small driver for controlling a 7-segment display on a Raspberry Pi.

The workshop is interactive and the knowledge learnt can be applied immediately. All you need is a laptop. The Raspberry Pis and other hardware will be provided.


The following topics will be covered in the workshop:

  • What does the kernel do?
  • Hello World Kernel Module
  • Makefile for building a Linux driver
  • Using GPIOs in a driver
  • How to communicate with a driver via a character device file

If we still have time afterwards, we can also look at other topics, e.g. interrupt handling, timers or the device tree.

Required software for GNU/Linux: text editor, ssh and sshfs. For third-party operating systems, please look for suitable alternatives yourself.

Required hardware: Laptop with USB A and Ethernet port (to connect the Raspberry Pi) or USB A and Ethernet dongle.

# Previous knowledge

  • Confident handling of the C programming language
  • Basic knowledge of Makefiles
  • Confident navigation in Bash



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